More often, a garage door functions like a safety net for your home. It protects your vehicle and other valuables from the wrath of nature and human intrusion. It’s expected that a garage door experiences some wear and tear throughout the lifetime.
However, there are times when things go just a little too far. It’s time when instead of offering protection, you will need to seek protection from the garage door. But how do you know when your garage door has reached that extent?

Here are some of the signs that will help you identify when your garage door is in dire need of repair:
When the Utility Bills Go out of Hand.
One way to identify what’s wrong with your garage door is the sudden skyrocketing of electricity and utility bills at home. It’s ironic because very rarely is a garage door truly attributed to causing a spike in the electricity bill.
One way to identify what’s wrong with your garage door is the sudden skyrocketing of electricity and utility bills at home. It’s ironic because very rarely is a garage door truly attributed to causing a spike in the electricity bill.
If you find yourself paying an exorbitant amount of bills, consider hiring a technician for garage door repair in Leesburg.
When There’s Sagging Wood.
Wood sagging is easily invisible unless you’re looking out for it. To make sure that your garage door is functioning perfectly, you should check the balance of the door by disconnecting the opener from the door and manually operate it. If the door rises or falls automatically, it’s time to consider professional garage door repair in Leesburg right away.
Wood sagging is easily invisible unless you’re looking out for it. To make sure that your garage door is functioning perfectly, you should check the balance of the door by disconnecting the opener from the door and manually operate it. If the door rises or falls automatically, it’s time to consider professional garage door repair in Leesburg right away.
When Your Garage Door Produces Ear-splitting Noise.
Unusual sounds indicate that something went wrong with your garage door. If you get ear-splitting noises while opening and closing it, the possibility of the garage door requires maintenance or replacement.
Unusual sounds indicate that something went wrong with your garage door. If you get ear-splitting noises while opening and closing it, the possibility of the garage door requires maintenance or replacement.
When the Garage Door Operates Inconsistently.
Imbalance movements and constant shaking of a garage door while opening or closing are clear indications of the need for a repair or replacement.
Imbalance movements and constant shaking of a garage door while opening or closing are clear indications of the need for a repair or replacement.
The garage doors are manufactured and designed to operate and move smoothly. However, the inconsistencies, shaky or jerky movements are the sign that the garage door needs some sort of professional help.
When the Garage Door is Stuck.
When the garage door doesn’t budge and move at all, that’s when you should know you’re in a big trouble. The garage doors are designed to operate smoothly, not to get stuck. It seems like a stubborn child throwing tantrums.
When the garage door doesn’t budge and move at all, that’s when you should know you’re in a big trouble. The garage doors are designed to operate smoothly, not to get stuck. It seems like a stubborn child throwing tantrums.
If the garage door doesn’t move at all, or there’s any visible delay in the movement, it’s definitely time to call the professional experts for garage door repair in Leesburg.

Conclusion –
Do you face any of the above-discussed garage door problems in Leesburg? Then, it’s time to contact Virginia Garage Door as soon as possible. For more information about garage door repair in Leesburg, please visit our website at
Do you face any of the above-discussed garage door problems in Leesburg? Then, it’s time to contact Virginia Garage Door as soon as possible. For more information about garage door repair in Leesburg, please visit our website at